Wednesday, June 28, 2017


For years, I drove my little red Ford Ranger, 10 years to be exact.  I loved that truck!  We shared over 100,000 miles together, traveling throughout Brevard County, representing Habitat for Humanity, Daily Bread and Holy Name of Jesus.  The truck became part of my very identity, like Silver was to the Lone Ranger and Natasha was to John Wayne.

When Judy and I moved to Winter Springs, I knew I was going to have to get a more practical vehicle for my new job responsibilities.  So I gave Ranger to my son, who needed a work truck.

A couple a months ago, I went to Home Depot to pick up some home improvement materials.  I was so focused on the material list and project I forgot where I parked my vehicle.  When I came out of the store and looked out over the parking lot, I a sinking feeling came over me, where's my truck?  Someone stole my truck!

After several laps around the parking lot I turned to return to the store to tell the manager, someone stole my truck and call the police.  As I got to the doors of the store it hit me.  I was looking for the wrong vehicle!  I no longer owned Ranger, I left her in Brevard County.

Often times, our life experiences reminds us that our memory is just not what it used to be.  As individuals we begin to forget birthdays, anniversaries, where we put our reading glasses, where we parked our car.  As a society often stuck in the daily grind of our lives or in the pursuit of success we may fail to remember those most in need within our community.

Scripture remembering is however, more than recalling a past event; it is about making the past event present.  Where become active participants of the past event as if it were the first time the event occurred.  God's remembering is a renewing of his covenant relationship;  God continuance in upholding His covenant relationship with His people, now and into the future, for all eternity.

When we forget, get to busy, or become to lax in keeping our part of the covenant relationship; God continues to uphold His part, He will literally pursue us so that when we are tempted, He gives us graces to resist the temptation.  When we are lost in sin, He gives us the grace of repentance and reconciliation.  When we fall into doubt about His very existence, he give us a sign of His ever loving presence.  The greatest sign God gives us to show he remembers us and His covenant relationship with us, is the Eucharist.

Every time we participate in the Eucharist we are remembering, in a very real way, making present that first paschal mystery, where God affirmed His covenant relationship and confirmed His eternal promise of salvation for the whole world.  Come and receive the goodness of a every remembering and loving God.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


[1]July 6, 2015, I remember the day well, it was the day I met an Angel.  At the time I was the Operations Director of the Daily Bread, Inc. in Melbourne, Florida.  The Development Director came in my office and said there was someone who wanted to make a donation that I had to meet.  The donor was a 7 year old Angel named Ella.  After greeting Ella she pulled out her change purse out and handed me 3 one dollar bills and some change that total $5.00.  As I talked with Ella and her grandmother it seems that Ella was on a Money Management System for Kids.  She was encouraged when she gets money, she must distribute the funds into jars labeled: "Save", "Give" and "Spend".

Today was her giving day.  Ella's grandmother shared that Ella prefers to walk around downtown Melbourne until she meets a person who seems to be in need and give the money directly.  This was a stressful program for grandmother, concerned for Ella's safety.  On this day they came across a person in need, but instead of him taking the money he suggested giving the money to Daily Bread instead.

Seems the man explained to Ella that he could take the $5.00 and get one meal, but if she gave the money to Daily Bread, they could feed 3 people for the same $5.00.  The man did not give his name and Ella's grandmother couldn't describe him well enough for us to identify him.  All we know is there was a needy man in town that sacrificed a guaranteed meal so that 3 others would be fed.

Today’s scripture reminds us that is God who is the real giver.  We are are simply the stewards of his great generosity.  It is God who can always provide us with what we need, like the bird that finds a nest, and the flower that adorn the fields.  It is God who gives generously so we in turn can be cheerful givers.  It is God who gives us energy when we feel to wiped out to continue, and it is God gives us strength to forgive, when conflict seems to be endless.

How do we receive these abundant graces?  By fixing our hearts on the One who gives them: our faithful, merciful and generous God.

Let's finish the day out repeating this Psalm 28:7, “The Lord is my strength and my shield, in whom my heart trusts.  I am helped, so my heart rejoices.”[2]  As God gives to us, let us give to others.

[1] New American Bible, Saint Joseph Edition. © 1986.  Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 9:6-11; Psalms 112:1-4, 9; Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18.
[2] The Word Among Us.  June 2017 Issue.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017


[1]It’s Hurricane season!  In 1992 Hurricane Andrew left behind devastation beyond our imaginations.  The lessons learned resulted in Florida developing and adopting new standards for building codes in 2002.   Included in the code was a wind-borne debris region, which requires certain homes to have door and window protections up to 120 mph.  The code also established new standards for roofing, created more thorough inspection processes and required that products used in home construction meet approved hurricane standards.

These new Codes were tested in 2004 by hurricanes Charley, Ivan, Frances and Jeanne.  In 2005, University of Florida researchers studied the differences in damage between older and newer homes, comparing 200 randomly selected homes that were in the path of the highest wind zones generated by the hurricanes.  The study concluded that homes built under the 2002 Florida Building Code sustained less damage on average than homes built between 1994 and 2001 under the Standard Building Code. Homes built before 1994 also fared worse than those built after that year.

Did you know that we are the result of an even more wondrous building code?  In today’s first reading, St. Paul calls our attention to the incredible building code God used and continues to use in forming his people through our lives.  Everything we are, everything we do, all the forces we withstand—all give evidence to how carefully God has crafted the Code.  Like a master builder, he has built us with great precision and fortified us with his own divine grace, and what a marvel we are!

There’s more marvelous news: God isn’t done!  Through the grace of his sacraments, he continues to make us stronger and steadier.  Day after day, he infuses us with the gifts of his Holy Spirit so we can withstand any gale force winds that might come against us.  Through the witness and encouragement of our brothers and sisters in Christ, he continues to teach us how to adapt to the barometric pressures of temptation without snapping or crumbling.

We are a marvel of God’s handiwork!  We are far stronger than we think, far more flexible than we think and we are far more capable than we think.  We have “the strength for everything through him who empowers” (Phil 4:13) us! 

In meeting today’s challenges, pray for the situation, not in “self-confidence,” but “God-confidence.”  God has built us with his perfect code for the mission he has assigned us to do.  Remember, Christ is with us, he is in us, and he is more than able to work through us.[2]

[1] New American Bible, Saint Joseph Edition. © 1986.  Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 3:4-11; Psalms 99:5-9; Matthew 5:17-19.
[2] The Word Among Us.  June 2017 Issue.