After a passionate debate for and against the proposal, the New York state Legislature passed a bill Tuesday that makes it legal for doctors and other health care professionals, such as midwives and physician assistants, to perform abortions up until birth for any reason in the state.
The so-called Reproductive Health Act that abortion advocates have been trying to get passed for 12 years while being vehemently opposed by religious and conservative groups, passed with a 38-28 vote and thunderous applause in the state Senate chamber. The bill codifies federal abortion rights guaranteed under the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision and removes abortion from the state's criminal code.
Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins said at a news conference ahead of the vote Tuesday, according to the Albany Times Union. "Today, here in New York, we are saying no. We are saying no, not here in New York. And we're not just saying no. We're saying that here in New York, women's health matters. We're saying here in New York, women's lives matter. We're saying here in New York, women's decisions matter."[1]
No one fights for something for 12 years without having passion. Yet, in many of our minds we can’t wrap our heads around how women’s health, lives, & decisions equate to or justify killing her unborn child to achieve this passionate end.
There is no question that St. Paul was a passionate man. As a devout Pharisee, schooled in the Jewish law, he made it his mission to root out a religion contrary to that law. But as the Lord often does, Jesus Christ reoriented Paul’s zeal. Sometimes our passions may be misplaced—like the proponents of abortion on demand, but when we are reordered in Christ, our world is turned right side up. This is what happened to St. Paul on the road to Damascus.
We are invited to reflect on today where our own passions lie: What fuels them? Whom do they glorify? How do they affect others? Think about it, what would it be like if just one church had the level of passion for serving the poor and helping people that the abortion advocates had for getting the Reproductive Health Act passed?
“Do everything for the glory of God” (1 Cor 10:31). Paul realized this late in life. Sometimes it takes God’s intervention for us to realize our passions may be disoriented. Many times, the confusion is rooted in pride, shame, or fear. But when properly oriented to Christ, everything—every act or passion—can glorify the Lord: from our jobs & school work; to our play & worship.
[1] The
Christian Post. “New York passes bill allowing abortion up to birth, for
any reason” January 22, 2019